Sani nudge is a Danish healthcare technology company with the mission of eliminating hospital-acquired infections. Sani nudge delivers an innovative system to monitor the behaviour of medical personnel in the context of compliance with hand hygiene procedures. The system connects data from a network of specially designed IoT devices, combining them with a dedicated platform.
The main goal of the project was to create a platform that could handle a wide stream of large amounts of data (Big Data) in real-time and to design an interface that would be intuitive and easy to use at the same time. We have created a unique dashboard for tracking the progress of hand hygiene monitoring and present reposts. One of the solutions for the web application included developing cloud-based IoT software. Using Microsoft Azure cloud solution, we have started working on the system to improve the quality of database management and enable to track the progress easily, draw conclusions, generate reports for medical staff in a clear data panel and automatically email them by desktop or mobile devices.
Rapid data processing by beacon integration resulted in a very smooth working app, that is quite self-explanatory and easy to use. The app responds to the high demand to prevent infections from spreading in hospitals through appropriate data analysis. Thanks to this solution, heads of medical institutions can constantly measure the effects and pay more attention to proper care in the hand hygiene of their staff. Several hospitals have achieved the success of saving lives and millions of euros as a result of the introduction of a hand hygiene monitoring system.
Vimanet is skilled in plans and estimates, so we know we are spending our money effectively and focusing on the right tasks.